Municipality (Gemeente)

Most municipalities in the Netherlands embrace the various initiatives that their residents develop to improve safety and quality of life in the neighborhood. A number of municipalities have decided to leave the citizens’ initiative entirely with the citizen, but the majority wish to support the initiatives, although it sometimes takes a while to find the best way to facilitate the groups without the responsibility for the groups falling with the municipality itself. to lay down. Within the vision of Buurtpreventie Caantje, the neighborhood watch remains a citizens’ initiative, in which the residents themselves are in control and the municipality has a supporting role.

BuitenBeter app

Help us keep the neighborhood clean.
Download the BuitenBeter app to make a report to the municipality quickly and easily.
This app can be downloaded for Android and iPhone.

Police (Politie)

Naturally, the police are an important link within the WhatsApp Buurtpreventie concept.

The police officer (De wijkagent)

The local police officer can give advice; how to identify what kind of offenses have recently taken place in the neighborhood and how to prevent this (preventive).


In a suspicious or alarming situation (red-handed), you always contact the police via 1-1-2. Also mention this in the WhatsApp group when you post the alarming notification there.


Report a less urgent situation, which nevertheless deserves the attention of the police, on 0900-8844; no emergency, but police.

Police officer Karim Habyby watches over our neighborhood.