Melding app & VVE app

We have 2 WhatsApp groups that are active.

Buurtpreventie – Melding (Report)

All residents in this group can make a report.
Here, residents are also allowed to ask for support if they want to or ask for advice from other residents.

Notifications can be, for example:

  • Theft within the porch or on the gallery
  • Residents who smoke secretly or smoke a joint inside the porches / basement
  • Full waste containers around the building
  • Basements that have been broken into

Buurtpreventie – VVE

This group is intended for residents who would like to go a step further to improve the quality of life inside and outside the complex. This also includes residents who are voluntary members of the technical & cash committee of the VVE.

An annual online meeting will also take place in this group. This with the aim that we can make a concrete decision together and present it at the annual meeting of the VVE.

Do you also feel called upon to do this? Then let the administrator know to join this group.

What are the house rules

Our aim is to enable all members to make optimal use of the available options. That is why we have drawn up a number of house rules together with the administrators. We kindly request you to read and observe our rules. With this we can prevent unwanted and inappropriate communication within the groups and use the Buurtpreventie (neighborhood watch) App as intended.

House rules

  1. Participants must be at least 18 years old.
  2. Participants live and / or work in the street / neighborhood of the group.
  3. WhatsApp is a citizens’ initiative.
  4. The police only take action when a report is made to 112. Call 0900-8844 if there is no urgency.
  5. Use the WhatsApp according to the SAAR abbreviation:

S = Signal
A = Alarm 112
A = App to make your observation known to others
R = Respond, for example by going outside and connecting with the person. The intention is that we disrupt the plans of the suspected person (“break the case”). Only do this if you can do this safely without risks, for example, have a chat with the person.
  1. Let each other know by means of a WhatsApp message that 112 has already been called! Prevent a rain of 112 reports.
  2. Pay attention to the language. Don’t swear, swear, discriminate and the like.
  3. Do not play your own judge and do not violate any rules / laws. So do not hold a mobile phone while driving a vehicle.
  4. Sending photos of a suspect is only permitted for the purpose of providing an identification if this is necessary / of added value for the report. Offender characteristics such as gender, skin color, height and face can also be well described in text. For vehicles, think of the color, make, type and license plate.
  5. Only use this WhatsApp group(s) for what it is intended for and not for mutual contact / private messages.